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Reimagining the bowl of oatmeal for a healthy new year

Having porridge might not always sound appealing. But as we know, things that are good for your health may not always taste the best. However, with several food and health bloggers experimenting online, there is a volley of recipes on social media that show you how to improve the taste of foods without compromising on nutrition. Oats are known to be rich in antioxidants, which improve heart health by fighting off free radicals. A source of fiber, oats can keep you full for a longer period of time. It acts as a blotting paper to absorb cholesterol and LDL cholesterol, which is known as the “bad” cholesterol.

Looking for a chill new way to make oatmeal? Make it overnight in the fridge. Use oat, milk, cocoa powder & even a splash of coffee if you like. For added fibre, you can even mix in some chia seeds. Using yoghurt, vanilla and the sweetener of your choice, mix together. Add it on top of your oats & leave it in the fridge overnight. Eat in the morning.

If slowly storing the porridge over the stove isn’t appealing, bake the oats for a delicious brekkie. Mix oats, milk, cinnamon & ginger powder, sugar, eggs, vanilla & honey together. Cube up the apples and add them in. Place it in a baking tray & bake till it sets. Server warm with icing or yoghurt.

Make a single serving of baked oats by blending the oats, baking powder, sugar and pinch of salt. Crack in an egg with milk and vanilla. You can also add some protein powder. Give it a whirl In a blender. Pour the mixture into a microwave bowl or bake it in the oven. Top it with fruits or some jam.

Not a fan of oats but want the health benefits of eating them? Turn it into a tasty parfait. Layer your prepared oatmeal at the bottom. Then add a couple of tablespoons of fruits like strawberries, blueberries, pineapples, apples and more. Top it with a scoop or two of yoghurt and then sprinkle with some granola.

Perfect for those who are too lazy to make their morning brekkies, overnight oats are a saviour. After you make your overnight oats and when ready to eat it, melt some chocolate with coconut oil. Dump the chilled oats in a bowl and cover it with the melted chocolate. Let it set for a few minutes. To eat it, crack the chocolate shell and mix it into the porridge and enjoy.
